Some people feel so much pity for the disabled people. You can be like "Oh, they can't hear well, or they suffer from so and so", but the truth is that these (or we as I have disability in my hearing sense) are so much stronger than you. You can feel we are sad or weak, but you just need to see through them not just look them as a disabled or out of actions. Every disabled person has many other blessings which nobody else could have. Having a hearing impairment doesn't stop me from getting involved. On the other hand, I believe that I have many other things which I am thankful for. I can tell what are you saying through watching your lip-syncs. Just observing the lips and I can respond easy. Also, I can know how people feel about the others by just seeing them and their facial expression or attitude. I can look inside you, not at you. We have faith buried deep inside us. Some could think that we always feel bad or ashamed, but this is not right, at all. I ...