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Showing posts from September, 2014

Growing up

When I was younger, I was a very curious kid. I wanted to know everything and try everything on my own without any supervision. I loved staying around older people and reading every banners or ads billboards. I even read the newspaper and would count every article's number of words (Don't ask me why I used to do that, but I liked to do it anyway). I loved playing in our street and buying groceries for mama and I'd get very pissed off if she asks my brother t o accompany me; I liked independence. I don't know if that curiosity was related to the fact that I have older 5 siblings, but I didn't mind it, I guess. I remember when baba brought a PC computer for the first time for my sister I was very excited to use it. I actually did; in 3 days, I was a solitaire pro and I was only 6 and that PC was only 1GB, but I gotta admit it took me a while to know what a gigabyte is). I liked to be taken seriously all the time that I would buy a mango fruit instead of snacks and s...


They will always claim to know you. They will always think that the word "friends" makes them know you more than you know yourself. They'd disdainfully tell you that you will be fine, but it never works. Friends, you all gather. Blowing their cigarettes and shisha smoke, you begin to sink into your immense doubtful thinking; what have you done right? Who am I? I ask. You are "you", they snappily reply. And it feels even harder and I start feeling even more lost into their "you". I look back. It's all gone. What I have built and all what I have done. Gone, gone, gone and now I have become someone I'm not sure how to tame. There's no book of instructions or former users. I stand alone. I am supposed to stand tall when I don't know how to even stand. But I stand anyway; and that's how it all works. The way you don't know yourself, is exactly the same way how you do it without even knowing that you are halfway ...

ريم خورشيد تكتب : معركة الأمعاء الخاوية

ريم خورشيد تكتب : معركة الأمعاء الخاوية " التعذيب في السجون لم يبدأ من جديد، فهو لم يتوقف منذ أن فشلنا في تطهير الداخلية (أحد مطالب ثورة 25 يناير). و لكنه الآن زاد بشدة مع تداول فيديوهات وشهادات تؤكد حدوث وفيات أثر شدة التعذيب في السجون المصرية وأقسام الشرطة مع الاعلان عن أسباب وفاه وهمية...."