Some complain about how their meat is so salty or has no salt, while others don't know how meat tastes like. Some keep changing their cars every time a better model is manufactured, while others take a long tiring walk to keep the few pounds for their children. Some grass their golf playground with clean water, while others can't find few drops to quench their thirst. Some people make the worst crimes and get away with it because class, while others are arrested for doing nothing. Some leave the country to hide with their unclean hands, others hide because they haven't done anything at all. Some throw away the rough pizza crust, while the others don't know what Pizza is. Some drop the coins or lose them around, while others search inside the litter for anything to eat. Some sleep while feeling safe and warm, while others have no where to sleep but an unclean corner under that bridge. Some get everything they need or don't, others get nothing but sleepless nights of...